Ann the Famous and John the Unknown

A tale of woe with no real moral or meaning.

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13 responses

  1. Laney Avatar

    Girl is popular. Unpopular lad kills himself. No one cares. Pretty harsh.


    1. John Lee Taggart Avatar

      Just another teen movie…but with no learning curve! Sad times 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  2. aimeejoannebarrass Avatar

    I did not expect that ending. These kids blow my mind.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      There are days that I feel like I’m going to BLOW UP because of them…but I love them all the same!


  3. Lesley Avatar

    Haha why did the writer (the kid) torment John the Unknown so much!? Pretty sad but funny at the same time!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      haha, Lesley I have no idea ~ she’s rude like that, but pretty funny! (Don’t tell her I said that!)


      1. Lesley Avatar

        I promise not to. I’ll remain unknown.


      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        hahahahaha! I laughed too much at this…


      3. Lesley Avatar

        haha I’m glad because your post made me laugh too


  4. paulwhitberg Avatar

    For once, the sequel (part 2) is MUCH better:)


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahahaha! There’s a first time for everything!


  5. Garfield Hug Avatar

    John, how do you put up with all this? I rrrrreally take my hat off to you! Till I read your blog, I never knew teaching a bunch of kids is so much “fun” – stay sane and continue being silly or having the lighter side of things 🙂


  6. gingertuppence Avatar

    Oh how I long for the days when I could say/write whatever I pleased and no one would think any worse of me for it. Instead, I would be petted.


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