Just a quick one here, but do please tell me what you would do in this situation.

You see today one of the kids made it his aim to bite my bottom at all costs…like, he wasn’t going to let anything get in his way until my butt cheeks were shredded to pieces and bleeding profusely (not that it matters or anything, but I was wearing white so this would have been an issue)…anyway, yeah – not sure if this kid hadn’t had breakfast or if he had just watched Jaws, but either way he just wouldn’t stop! And I wasn’t really sure what I was supposed to do…like do I just let him do it till he gets bored…or do I make him a sandwich? Like seriously…

He’s one of those huge, how the hell are you only six kinds of kids – I am not sure what his Mother feeds him, but if I had to guess it would be probably be something like; steroids, Miracle-Gro and elephant meat. Anyway…with that said, he is six, so restraining him was still not much of a challenge, even for a skinny guy like me. Problem was that when I put him in a corner by himself, he would start thumping himself on the head, over, and over, and over, and over…





I grabbed his wrists and began to try and explain…

“OKAY! That’s enough…you’ll hurt yourself Alex, you ca-“

“No…I am going to tell my Mom that you hit me…and that you wouldn’t stop…”

I saw that devilish glint, that horrid zeal, that evil genius, flash in his empty brown eyes.

“YOU DISGRACEFUL LITTLE FUCKING SHIT! YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!” I said (to myself), while smiling like a TelliTubbie,

“I’ll tell her tonight.” He smirked proudly.


Can you imagine that conversation?! haha, children really don’t think things through…


Anyway, in other news today I was playing doctors with a couple of the kids and it just so happened one of them had heart problems (my specialty, luckily for her!) I did my usual thing, but unfortunately it didn’t seem to do the trick – I was told it had moved somewhere else…when I asked where she pointed to her butt hole, (oh the gross joys of kindergarten)…

“Yeah, we’re not playing this game anymore…”

“Why? Doctors can go there!”


“Come on, you’re a Doctor!”




Phew…averted, for now…


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58 responses

  1. aimeejoannebarrass Avatar

    …maybe when he comes close to biting your bottom again, just fart in his face? Pretty sure he’d never go near it again!

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahahah! PURE GOLD ADVICE! You are a saint, I thank you!


    2. auntyjaz Avatar

      They are at the best height for face farts.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Storytime with John Avatar

        YES! We have a winner! haha!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. dimwhit Avatar

    John. I couldn’t get past the fact that you wore white to your job. A job where there are kids. You, good sir, are either seriously brave or completely nuts!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Erm…a little bit of both perhaps ~ I do find myself complaining as well “ARGHHHH YOU JUST PUT CRAYON ON MY…”

      Then I stop and realize I was asking for it. Looks like I’m the dim wit after all, haha!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. dimwhit Avatar


        I happen to think teachers have just as much reason to wear scrubs as a nurses do.

        I mean, both professions serve people who have difficulty controlling bodily functions, and the odds of coming in contact with vomit, blood and jello are basically identical.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. amandaquirky Avatar

    My son does this sort of thing, occasionally. I refer to my technique for dealing with his behaviour as, “tickling into submission”. Just tickle the child until he SWEARS he won’t do it again, then tickle some more, then stop, and if he tries again, repeat until a satisfactory result is achieved. You can tickle kids you teach, right? ‘Cause if not… I got nothin’.

    Although farting sounds good, as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Okay Amanda…I am definitely using this Monday morning! Wish me luck!!!!

      Oh and thanks for reading, I’ll let you know how it goes 😉 haha!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Cary Vaughn Avatar
    Cary Vaughn

    Hmmm…and what does said butt look like?


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Pretty peachy…so I get it.


      1. Cary Vaughn Avatar
        Cary Vaughn

        That’s what I figured.


  5. clothedwithjoy Avatar

    These are very strange children.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      They certainly are. Keeps life interesting, but…


      1. Pebbles On The Road Avatar

        Interesting, indeed. Or dangerous. First you get accused of beating a child. Admittedly a demon child, but a child nonetheless.Then a little girl wants you to examine her bottom while you’re “playing doctor.” After which you offer her candy. I see a possibility for all sorts of illegal offenses here, John. 😉


      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        haha, I’m innocent your honor!!!!


  6. alyssaloraine89 Avatar

    This made me laugh. You can always side track a child with sugar. I do it all the time when my nephew asks me a question I don’t know the answer to.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      haha, fantastic stuff! You’re right though, it comes in so handy!


  7. melodykainanidias Avatar

    Hahaha! Love this!


  8. nirmaljayaraj Avatar

    Haha! Oh you poor thing! I guess when it comes to kids, candies always comes to the rescue… be it for the children or in your case, the teacher!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      So true…often they ask “why are you eating chocolate? Why are you drinking coffee?” And I feel like saying “you’ll understand when you’re older!” haha

      But I don’t want to seem so ancient!


  9. lmarmstrong66 Avatar

    My cat tries to bite my butt when I’m sitting on the toilet…I know this doesn’t help your cause at all but still funny, right? 🙂 my mom used to say if someone bites you, bite him back, heehee

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahahaha, maybe that’s why I’m a dog person?! Also are you trying to tell me you bite your cat? I best call the authorities!!!


      1. lmarmstrong66 Avatar

        Yes, in fact once she bit me hard so I did bite her ear…but not hard, Just to teach her a lesson. She didn’t like it much either but the lesson was completely lost, hahaha.


    2. Storytime with John Avatar

      But yes, I laughed regardless, haha what a strange situation!


  10. melaniejbethel Avatar

    Dude, this is hilarious!!!
    And props to you for wearing white around kids, I have trouble wearing white around adults!
    I love kids but, good grief, they can say/do some things that make you freeze up…
    It sounds to me like you handled things the way any rational person would: by using the persuasive power of candy! 🙂


  11. itsjustlupus Avatar

    Hahaha I love that you thought “disgraceful little fucking shit”!!!!! Best part ever!!!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha, unfortunately you can’t help what you think! Best to leave that sentence in my head though!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Pebbles On The Road Avatar

        I do admire your incredible levels of self control.


  12. 10eveningflowers Avatar

    I had a big closet in my class…In which there were toys!! If any my babies were all manner-less i used to lift them up and make them sit on the closet till they promise to behave and looking ta them others behaved 😉 !!!! Put him up on the fan lol!!!

    PS: I am not a devli, i was a very good teacher!! Just a way to teach lesson :p


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Hmmmm, sounds extreme…but it may just work! These kids are extreme cases after all!

      The kid in question is pretty heavy though…I don’t want to be liable for any damages…actually I can bill you right? 😉


      1. 10eveningflowers Avatar

        You cant lift a kid?? -_- lets change your name to joanna then :-/


      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        Hey that’s not cool, I have a disease.


      3. 10eveningflowers Avatar



      4. Storytime with John Avatar

        It’s called Thisisnotreal disease…it’s actually quite crippling. Look it up.


      5. 10eveningflowers Avatar

        😐😐😐😐 what??????????????


      6. Storytime with John Avatar



      7. 10eveningflowers Avatar

        -_- r u this lame always!!?! Lol!!! Bye that was a super funny post! U never failt to make us all laugh 😉


      8. Storytime with John Avatar

        hahaha, just to you! But at least I make you laugh, that’s something at least!


      9. 10eveningflowers Avatar

        Aha!! Okok!!! Lol!! Kidding thanks for the laugh mister johny!! M obliged!!


  13. diiwanna Avatar

    Reblogged this on diiwanna's Blog.


  14. ditchthebun Avatar

    If I can’t keep white clean myself I certainly can’t trust it around kids, why is the colour white such a beacon to mess in general? It’s almost like nature rejects it’s blandness and strives to add colour to the otherwise blank canvas… it’s true white does go with everything… Bologna, crayon, mud, vomit, snotty noses and it is perfect with tomato sauce.
    Tell the kid that your butt has a curse on it and if anyone bites it their face turns into a butt and then anything they eat for the rest of their life will taste like poo. He’s 6 he’ll appreciate a good poo curse 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      That’s certainly an interesting theory, hahaha! The smallest little red pasta sauce drip or ANYTHING shows up as if it is a giant splodge too, not fun – DAMN YOU NATURE. With that said, I think you are on to a winner there – anything poo related has a kid’s attention, like that is just a scientific fact/


      1. ditchthebun Avatar

        That’s why I think that women wearing massive white dresses for their weddings is like tempting fate… 🙂
        Why is ‘poo’ such a magical thing for children? ‘Poo’ has serious power over kids! When my 2 year old nephew is having a tanty or is really upset all I have to do is say in a ‘I’m telling you a secret voice’, “Hey Hendrix, Hendrix…” I wait until he looks at me and then I whisper, “…poo!” It’s magic man! Way better than abracadabra! He stops and starts giggling… Best. Word. Ever! hahaha


  15. tuinkabouter1965 Avatar

    Ohh gee this made me laugh!
    This happens to me on a regular basis
    I’ve got 4 kids 😉


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      haha, I told my own Mother and she just said “I’ve got five kids – think how I feel”!

      But I can’t, you guys are troopers that’s for sure – built of tougher stuff than me!


      1. tuinkabouter1965 Avatar



  16. speakingwins Avatar

    It sounds like you have figured out how to reason with kids – CANDY!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      It’s a lesson everyone learns at some point, haha!


  17. naptimethoughts Avatar

    They say the surest way to get to a childs heart is through the anus. Errrrr…. That didn’t come out right… Ummm… Well maybe her heart MOVED.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahahaha, I’m not sure what to reply to this…but it sure did make me laugh!


  18. peakperspective Avatar

    Oh my godfathers, you do run with a wild pack, don’t you, John? Such worthy adventures though. And one’s I’m certain you will dine on for years to come. Cheers!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      haha, they are beyond wild – God knows I can’t control them anyway!

      Loved your blog by the way, thanks for stopping by mine!


  19. jordyncohen0 Avatar

    yea, kids like this are always tricky. Likelihood that this child will remember that it happened by the time he gets home is very little. Littles like this want to get a rise out of you, so if you don’t give in, they’ll get frustrated and quit. Don’t drop you end of the rope (tug-of-war)!!! Pshh Kindergarteners 🙂


  20. Ed Williams Avatar

    My Husband, Daryl, teaches special education at a private school in PA. He is currently dealing with NON-verbal autistic older kids. I know he’s had a good day when he greets me at the end of the day with a hug and asks, “do I smell like vomit or urine?” Ah… Kids. Thanks for the story.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Oh wow Ed, bet he has his work cut out for him! My Dad used to work in a special needs school and always came back with a tale or three ~ vomit or urine were always talking points!

      Thanks for reading!


  21. jodiardito Avatar

    Omg! Having raised three girls myself and shared in the raising of a boy…I usually refer to kids as alien life forms. Hahaha! This made me laugh so hard!!!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      haha, I’d have to agree with that too!


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