My couple of days in Austria were for the most part overwhelmingly positive, (stay tuned for the single negative part in another post soon!) – I mean, the place is beautiful; filled with breathtaking architecture, some of the best art the world has ever seen, and people who are warm and friendly – especially when compared with their far more stern and stand-offish Hungarian neighbours. Case in point, in Hungary someone tried to have a go at stealing my trainers…in Austria a stranger saw me battling with a map and pointed me in the right direction…

Also the coffee in Hungary tastes like someone has put some coffee granules in their mouths, washed it about with a bit of luke warm water, and then spat it into warm-ish milk – making sure to stir thoroughly before serving to unsuspecting customers. Coffee in Austria is totally on point: espresso that makes you feel like it isn’t such a big deal that you haven’t slept more than four hours a night for a week straight…now I look at the situation with fresh well rested eyes, I am starting to question whether the caffeine situation has a lot to do with my (probably) terrible bias – yeah, probably – so apologies to both sides, but you do both have great cakes – so perhaps you can take solace in that? Joint first on the cake podium? No? Okay.

Anyway, I went into Austria with no preconceived notions – well none that serve any real purpose or credence when it comes to assessing whether Vienna is a nice tourist spot…my memory was conjuring up snapshots of The Sound of Music and the terrifying Josef Fritzl case that was in the news a while back…unfortunately, that was it – but in lots of ways this is a good thing, as you are not swayed by other people’s opinions or your own notions; you are going in with fresh eyes, and the first impression is a lot more vivid. And it was! Vienna is really up there with the top European cities in my humble opinion – it jostles with the likes of Berlin, Paris and Florence – both in sheer beauty and expense (a side effect of fantastic places usually!) I walked the streets staring like a gormless fool at the little intricate details of the buildings, wandering into churches, cathedrals, museums, galleries…just in total awe! It’s a wonderful place to get purposefully lost in, as there is always something to see, and if you get tired or frustrated – just plop yourself down in one of the many cafés and recharge your batteries with some of the best confectionery you will ever see! Doesn’t sound half bad ey?

But as I was walking around the high street I was stopped by a lady with a camera – “SHNIGLFLEEEGANSHLURGUN” – that’s not what she said, but honestly that is what the German language sounds like to me, there are a few words that are basically just English words with a different accent, and then the rest that I just can’t even begin to comprehend, sounds like my reaction to stubbing my toe! Anyway, all I could do was apologise for my ignorance:

“I’m so sorry, I am English.” Yeah, I know, I know – it’s a little odd to apologise for where I come from, not like it is my fault – but I find myself doing it at least one hundred times in every country I visit, so I have largely made my peace with it!

Anyway, she explained that she was taking photos for a fashion site, or something – and asked if she would be able to take my photo, naturally I would never say no…for a crippling fear of coming off as rude, so despite my brother running off and leaving me alone with this stranger, and the fact that I would have loved the world to swallow me up at this very moment – I nodded, as she began to keenly snap away.

I was an extremely awkward subject; if I wasn’t pursing my lips in nervousness, I was fidgeting with my fingers…I began to think about what I probably look like, and a flood of red flushed my cheeks until it burnt the tops of my ears – she pulled a quizzical look as she stared at the sweating wreck in front of her.

“Errr…can you…can you…do something with your legs?”

“Yeah, erm…”

I didn’t have a fucking clue what this meant…I mean…something…what is something?! Tap dancing? Roundhouse kick? Putting my foot in my mouth and chewing so that I would be taking away to a mental asylum and the embarrassment would be over? The latter sounded preferable. Maybe it could work? Urgh. She gestured that she wanted some kind of cowboy leg on wall situation to happen…I wasn’t particularly tired, but I obliged anyway – nice to take a little weight off the feet I suppose…but no, she wasn’t happy with it – I guess I was doing it wrong…I tried to switch it up, almost lost my balance – she looked thoroughly pissed off with how shit I was at being a model – I mean how was I incapable of resting on a wall correctly? Surely anyone could do that? But no! Apparently all the other times I was leaning on walls I was making a fool of myself…

“No. No. NO!”

She would repeat at regular intervals. I could feel my cheeks were about to explode with sheer shame. She took about ten photos (at least), I am not sure if she decided I was a lost cause, or if she finally got a one she was content with, but eventually she let me go. This was the outcome, what do you guys think? Personally I think I look like a constipated hamster – but never mind, this was the hand I was dealt!


Oh, and here is the site, naturally full credit goes to these guys and the lady who put up with my disgracefully nervous legs and tomato face! :

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86 responses

  1. Von Simeon Avatar

    Stop being so English; you look great! The article says the streets are where the fashion is at, she singled you out, so congrats! You are at the height of urban couture. Good job. 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Aww cheers Von, I feel better about the whole ordeal now…not ordeal…errr…situation…yeah, haha!


      1. Von Simeon Avatar

        You’re welcome! I think too that the photographer did a great job capturing your quiet disarray whilst confidently wearing a modern look.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        haha you have quite a way with words, she was certainly patient ~ this was the best of a very bad lot 😉


      3. Von Simeon Avatar

        Oh stop it!! Wish I could shake you haha!


      4. Storytime with John Avatar


        Liked by 1 person

  2. veronicagrassi Avatar

    I agree with Von – Good photo – gosh do you normally wear a tie – most want to get out of one ;-).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Well Veronica I don’t but the population there were so well dressed and cool I felt like had to keep up, shot myself in the foot there, haha 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. somewonderland Avatar

    Just a tiny bit of your awkwardness is evident in this photo, but I’d say over all you look great John. Being shy and modest is OK and encouraged in teens, time to learn to receive compliments – and some one wanting to take your picture IS a compliment 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Maysie Rossi Avatar

    Hahahaah! I love it! Way to start of my morning with more smiles 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      haha that’s a lovely thought, thank you Maysie!


  5. zotzotzotblogger Avatar

    Thanks for the funny story, lifted my bad mood this morning. Congrats on the picture! You’re looking quite dapper, I’m sure you’d put a constipated hamster to shame. Hope you are doing well and resting from your travels

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Autumn Avatar

    haha! Great story! I want to go to Europe so badly….sigh…someday. I know what you mean about your face turning red in these kind of situations. I have the same problem, then when its happening all I can think about is how red it is and it gets redder. Horrible!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      You will do it, YOU WILL! It is a lovely place and so much variety, you hop on a train and a couple of hours later you are in a whole different place with a whole different style and culture! Anyway, when you do plan a journey get in touch and I’ll give you the lowdown on wherever you’re going! 🙂

      Crippling redness was a problem at school and hasn’t passed even in supposed “adulthood” haha it’s our cross to bear!


      1. Autumn Avatar

        Yes, that is what seems so awesome about it, you can see so many different places and not have to travel too far! Sounds good. Haha…yes =)


  7. juliacann Avatar

    haha You poor awkward soul! I guess you’ll just have to start looking like a slob whenever you go places so people will stop taking pictures of you 😛
    But don’t worry, you don’t look like any kind of backed-up rodent!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      My brother sneaked off and got away, he was wearing a t shirt and shorts, maybe that’s the secret to avoiding embarrassment?! haha, well either way it’s always good not to resemble a rodent 😀


  8. liveyourdreamznow Avatar

    HAHA awesome story. She could not expect you to just be some professional fashion model hanging out on the street.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      haha, right?! Looking at other people’s photos on the site ~ they all look primed and ready! I mean good for them, but still!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Marissa Bergen Avatar

    Pretty cool that she took your photo. Must have been that swell suit look. (Seriously, I do like it!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Aww, thanks a lot Marissa! I suppose I should take it as a compliment that she stopped me (but embarrassment rules as always!)

      Liked by 1 person

  10. imagesbytdashfield Avatar

    Constipated hamster? ROFLMAO!!! And a right spiffy dressed one at that too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha, that’s just what I get from the photo and my fidgety demeanor! Unfortunately a constipated hamster in a shirt and tie, is still a constipated hamster! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  11. erikakind Avatar

    I love your post and what you wrote about Vienna. Vienna is my hometown and it really is totally special and catches people with its charme of old an new and the smell of history everywhere. And of course it is cool that you acted that spontaneously! I don’t know if I would have done that… thumbs up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Oh wonderful! Well let me say (as you know 😉 ) you come from a lovely place! It is certainly up there with the top European cities for me now, hopefully I will return sometime soon!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. erikakind Avatar

        Let me know! Perhaps I can give you some insider tipps!


      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        Sounds good to me, danke schön! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      3. erikakind Avatar

        Bitte, sehr gerne! 🙂


  12. First Night Design Avatar

    Apart from your left foot looking as if it’s dangling in midair, you look grand!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. brashygirl Avatar

    THAT was frickin’ funny! Love your humor and writing. You made me laugh when I really needed to! Anybody reading your post cannot look at your photograph objectively after THAT story. You look marvelous (if you’re old like me, you’ll remember Billy Crystal on SNL).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Oh, I am overjoyed with your comment – that’s a nice thought that it could make you smile at a low time 😀 I am always watching old SNL, being English youtube is the outlet where I can catch that kinda stuff!


  14. aquicksmile Avatar

    You had me at cake…but the leg bit was comic magic. Not that I am an expert but I wouldn’t give up the day job.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      I don’t think I’m going to get much work in this field, haha, I think you’re right! Hand model maybe?


  15. lagunakathy Avatar

    Great travel post. Have you read any of Bill Bryson’s travel books? Funny stuff. BTW, your writing on this one is so solid that your use of the F word detracts from your wonderful story. I advise you to leave it out!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Eric Tonningsen Avatar

    Legs. It’s always the legs. WTH are we supposed to do with them?? 🙂 Funny story! Sorry you had to sweat through the experience. Onward and enjoy your travels.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      You are right there Eric – if you ever work it out, let me know – until then they will just flap around wildly in confusion!

      Thanks so much, best to you! 😀


  17. Xiottei Legends Blog Avatar

    It’s so funny that she wanted to see some footwork in her photo! It’s still okay, nothing is totally wrong with it- as long as she didn’t tell you to do the SPLITS… O_O

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      haha my Mother is a yoga teacher…but there’s still NO WAY that would be possible!


  18. organicnaturals Avatar

    Awesome pic. No need to beat yourself up. Obviously, the woman saw something in you she liked…hee..hee!
    Even if it was your feet!! LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha, she only loved me for my feet (sobs)!

      Liked by 1 person

  19. thebravestbear Avatar

    You look awesome! I honestly thought this was a picture of a proper model before I read it was you. Also your hair is super gorgeous 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Oh, thank you so much – kind of you to say, I appreciate it 😀 the hair though…well…it was longer before…but then I was sunburnt in Italy and went a little crazy (cutting it off Britney Spears style without much thought!) – glad someone likes it!

      Oh, and while I am here – very cool blog, love the fact you have just went for it in terms of your ambition, my kinda person!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thebravestbear Avatar

        Thank you so much, that’s so good to hear! Every day I am taking steps to be my own boss and enjoy the freedom, while doing what I love. Thanks for the support!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        Seriously, I may as well have did like an air punch YEUHHHH, when I read your lil’ bio – inspiring for sure!


      3. thebravestbear Avatar

        Well, it takes a lot of work and I’m currently working at a soda fountain/ice cream bar to pay my outrageous bills, but I make all of their signs and may be doing the social media for them soon here. That could be a step in a very good direction for my freelancing. Plus nine bucks an hour makes one’s job a lot more bearable 😛


  20. A.B.L.G.O Avatar

    This is definitely a story you can tell at any social event and steal all the attention. Oh, and what a great compliment to your style…being stopped while just walking down the street….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Oh, if only! But yes you are right, everyone has talked me round – it certainly is a positive thing (even though my red cheeks would say otherwise!) 😀

      Thanks for your kind comment!


  21. travelingmind2anywhere Avatar

    Woot Woot! A new model for a clothing line? lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha! In my dreams, in my dreams…well, nightmares…


      1. travelingmind2anywhere Avatar

        Yeah right John Lol.. I like the “constipated hamster” though I really don’t know how a person should look like in that condition lol.


      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        I was sure to fact check my vocabulary – and that is indeed the scientific term used by doctors 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Storytime with John Avatar

        you’ve made it sound like a dance move actually – soon everyone will be doing “the constipated hamster”…

        Liked by 2 people

      4. travelingmind2anywhere Avatar

        you never know, it might replace the “wiggle wiggle” lol


      5. Storytime with John Avatar

        We have to copyright this.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. travelingmind2anywhere Avatar

        oh yeah! Lol.


  22. liisur Avatar

    That made me laugh out loud…! Damn me for not following you sooner! But better late than never! 😀 Indeed- you look smart on the photo… a smart, if slightly, constipated hamster! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      You are forgiven, you are forgiven 😉 but anyway I am pleased you found me and got a laugh out of it!

      hahaha smart constipated hamster is a special style 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Quietude's Junction Avatar

    I think the fact that you were awkward made the picture that much more charming. I get so annoyed looking at all these over-confident pics of plastic people. I loved that I felt like I was looking at someone … real… not “created for the effect”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Wow, thank you! What a beautiful way with words you have! It’s certainly as real as they come I suppose, especially as I have explained just what was going on (my cheeks aren’t half as red as they felt on that day!)

      Anyway, thank you! Have yourself a wonderful day/night!

      Liked by 1 person

  24. I hope you found an open field and spun around with your arms up.

    I’m pretty sure I don’t ever want to try Hungarian coffee.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. thebritishberliner Avatar

    Very smart with the tie and a nice pair of trousers. Don’t be modest, it was well deserved. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Sonya Solomonovich Avatar

    I have never seen a constipated hamster, but that mental image makes me laugh. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha Sonya neither have I, but it’s what came to mind 😉


  27. Jonathan Caswell Avatar

    Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

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  28. Carol B Sessums Avatar

    You have been nominated for One Lovely Blog Award. I hope you don’t mind. Please do not feel pressured to participate. I just want to promote a few blogs that I feel others would adore as much as I do. If you’d like to pay it forward, you can check out the rules at


  29. dapperdolly Avatar

    Lol unlike a lot of fashion bloggers who take street shots of the public (when with permission) at least she told you her website. You look dapper 🙂 I can see why she liked your outfit 🙂 and you wear it well and I don’t often say that about drainpipe trousers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Oh!!!! Thank you! I appreciate that coming from you especially 😀


  30. Thornley Bay Avatar

    “SHNIGLFLEEEGANSHLURGUN” is where the laughing started and by the end my face hurts….THANK YOU!!!


  31. emiliamueller Avatar

    Funny! You look a little bit uncomfortable in the picture and somehow amused thinking about what a great story will come out of that photo shooting. ;))


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha! Perhaps you are right, I was VERY embarrassed, but then again I always am, so no change there! 😀

      Thanks for reading, and I am pleased you enjoyed it! Just followed you 🙂


      1. emiliamueller Avatar

        Yeah…thanks for the follow! You do have writing skills.


  32. nanaaj Avatar

    Just showed this to my friend and you managed to make her laugh for 3 minutes straight.Its a miracle.Anyway, you still look quite nice and appropriate for a fashion blog.Nice


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha well now I’m smiling, that’s a miracle too 😀 glad you guys enjoyed it, lovely of you to say!

      Liked by 1 person

  33. blueinsomniak Avatar

    Wow, I wasn’t sure of what a constipated hamster looked like until I seen your photo. I’m going to run to my nearest pet store and scoop one up!!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha I wouldn’t recommend it! 😀


      1. blueinsomniak Avatar

        Your probably right. Haha. 😄


  34. earth2bellas Avatar

    Heey…is this really what you call fat? Silly.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha, seriously though…


      1. earth2bellas Avatar

        Try to find a way to enjoy the way you look now. I wish I had known how cute I was when I see old pics…coulda saved myself a lot of stress lol.


  35. sagarika Avatar

    It was all beams of a smiling face reading your posts. You definitely have a ‘Funny bone’ to keep the person read till the end of your experience. 😀 – Sagarika


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Oh I am pleased you enjoyed what you found Sagarika! 😀


  36. edwinasepisodes Avatar

    Ha Ha! I roared with laughter when I read this. The photo turned out pretty well though considering the trauma you went through!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      haha, cheers Edwina! It was a nightmare, but I survived! 😀


  37. thewhisperingpen Avatar

    Oh my god! You are hilarious! This post was awesome!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Glad you enjoyed it! Lovely of you to say so!


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