I would like to think I am a lover, and not a fighter…after all, usually physical conflict doesn’t really solve much when you think about it. Obviously some people make it very tempting, but more often than not, non-peaceful ways to shut them the hell up, are somewhat frowned upon!  Naturally if your dear old Granny was being mobbed by a set of escaped rampant ostriches, you’re probably okay to get the broom out. But in most cases, you’re just likely to get yourself into trouble…

But I was forced to think about this by a guy today – and thanks to his inane question regarding the matter, I’ve been mulling over past bouts ever since…

I only really had one big proper fight at school – which is quite a feat as I went to an all-boys secondary in the North-East of England – not sure how I escaped, I guess I was very good at running away. Anyway, I used to be very embarrassed about its living memory – but now that I look back on it, it was a pretty funny situation, and one which I should have laughed off immediately – rather than getting all defensive about;  you know – blushing, and shrugging whenever anyone asked me about it.

Godfather GIF

But back then I lived even deeper in my thoughts than I do now, I didn’t express much, apart from between my nearest, and dearest – stifled by shame, self-consciousness, and a bitter embarrassment regarding just about everything (like, literally.) So this is the first time I’ve told the story to a larger audience…so please bear with me…

It all started on an unassuming school day. I was with my friends on the smaller courtyard, where you could largely avoid the manic hustle, and bustle of the main schoolyard – by which I mean footballs being blasted off your face at every juncture, and/or birds shitting on you in passing, as they scrabbled for the scraps of leftover sandwiches.

That’s not to say it was totally peaceful where we spent our break-times. It was still basically a war-zone…

Explosion GIF

Unwanted oranges, apples, and bananas (note: no chocolate was ever thrown) would fly from one end to the other – accompanied with blood-curdling cries, and bellowing swear word strewn sentences, that would even make Vinnie Jones wince.

On the day in question, it appeared to be particularly heated – and the various food items were flying with an increased ferocity. We huddled together, my friends and I, attempting to dip, and dodge any incoming missiles – before scraping them off the floor, and hurling them back. You could only pause momentarily to laugh, should it hit your target – because luxuriate in giggling for too long, and you can be sure that the dirtied tangerine segment would be SPLAT , back in your face!

Food Fight GIF

So it was quite a surprise when I was told that one of our sworn enemies (that day), now wanted to fight me…something about I had thrown a sloppy banana right off his forehead, and for whatever reason he wasn’t too fond of that fact. I didn’t even know who he was…so they pointed him out…of course, yup – just my luck – he was taller, and about four people wider than me. My friends didn’t care, the occasion had pumped them full of testosterone, and all of a sudden they wanted to see blood. A couple of them ran off to tell him I was up for it, as the others tried to make it seem like a great idea:

“He’s a year younger, man…he’s not even THAT big…well okay, he is…but you know – you throw like one punch, and then we all join in – then it’s like seven versus one! No worries  – YOU HAVE TO NOW!” 

NO! I wasn’t going to do it! No…but how to plot my escape out of this situation – could always go out the side-door, yeah…I began to walk away, with several friends still trying to convince me that it was a great idea – I wasn’t having any of it – “FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!” Someone randomly screamed to my complete horror, and disbelief – before I knew it a crowd had circled in, barring my way out – and there he was, this massive entity. There was no way out of this, I’d never live it down if I ran now…or perhaps I could fake a heart attack…nah, that’s be even worse probably. It was time to face the music. I turned to my fantastic friends, who had basically orchestrated this whole thing – the excitement level for them was clearly off the charts – on the other hand, I was so scared I felt like I may literally shit my pants.

Bloodthirsty GIF

I looked at my foe – clearly if he got his hands on me, he would literally murder me. One punch from him, and I’d be eating through a straw, for the rest of my life. Couldn’t let that happen. I’d obviously have to try some unusual tactics to avoid him caving my skull in with meaty fists. But what? I had no ideas, so just lunged in there – to no avail, thankfully he missed me too. I turned back to my friends, with a look that said “Jesus Christ – please fucking help you set of complete dickheads” – but no, they just made gestures for me to get a move on.

I was quivering with a fearful kind of excitement, everything was blurred in a mad frenzy – perhaps I would cry, that would be humiliating. Light bulb. I jumped in and booted him in the chest…I pretty much bounced straight off him, cue laughter from the blurs that surrounded me…I tried again, It was literally the only way I could think of to keep distance from this unnatural behemoth. It never worked, I just pinged back as if I was the pinball – and he was the strong flippers at the bottom. He attempted to grab me on numerous occasions, but never quite managed it.

So there I was – just flying in with useless kick, after useless kick. Like a demented version of Kung Fu Panda, but without any of the guile, or charm that makes him admirable. But I had no Plan B – I’d just keep trying this until a teacher would inevitably break it up…after all, there is NO chance any of the onlookers would do anything of the sort. That’d be way too mature, way too sensible.


“Oh, thank God” I thought to myself, with a sigh of relief:

Happy RElief  GIF

The crowd dispersed, in every direction – and we fled back to our respective corners. But there’s no real code, and soon someone, somewhere had snitched…and the teacher was over next to us, asking questions. “WHO WAS FIGHTIN’? HUH?”  Everyone insisted that nothing had happened, that he had been seeing things…“NO FIGHT? THEN WHY WAS THERE A MASSIVE CROWD? HMM?” One of my friends tried to cheekily claim that the crowd was to do with a Yu-Gi-Oh card, and that it was really rare, so everyone was crowding around to see…inventive, I’ll give him that – but the teacher didn’t buy it. And before long the truth came to light.

We were suspended for the day, the two of us. And while we waited for our parents, we had to sit together – which was awkward…I felt like at any moment he would smash my face through one of the glass cabinets, or at the very least strangle me to death with his banana stained tie. But he didn’t. Just stared at me non-stop, as I squirmed with unease.

Fortunately both my parents were out at work, so it fell to my Grandad to pick me up. Which was a lot less daunting. I slumped into his car, and he immediately wanted all of the details – did I get a good punch in? How big was he? etc, etc! I said he was massive, so I tried to kick him, but it didn’t exactly work out. I thought it best not to mention the fact that I was flying around like a terrible Hong Kong Phooey imitation. And that if I wasn’t so small, he would have probably crushed me to death…

Crushed Head GIF

Anyway, we drove on to my Grandparent’s house, where we had mountains of bacon sandwiches, and gallons of hot sugary tea. My Grandma fussed over me, as Grandmas do – whilst my Grandad made me laugh with Rocky impressions. Later on he called me up to his attic, where he showed me an antique crossbow he had kept hidden for years. “YOU BETTER NOT BE SHOWING HIM THAT CROSSBOW KEITH, IT’S DANGEROUS!” called my Grandma from the kitchen…

He lied, and winked at me – whilst trying to fight back a grin. Then we went back downstairs, and lounged around watching cowboy films for the rest of the day. I suppose in this life, you have to take the good with the bad – and this memory encapsualtes that message entirely for me…it was both the worst day, and the very best day. And for that reason I wouldn’t change it, even if I could. 

Well…perhaps…I wouldn’t have went with the lame kicking technique – would have been nice not to be labelled “Jackie Chan” for the rest of my school-days! But yeah, never mind…


41 responses

  1. insanitybytes22 Avatar

    LOL, cute story. Good times! I don’t think you can even have a proper fight in school these days. They start charging you with assault and forcing you into anger management classes. It’s kind of ridiculous.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Oh man, really? Majority of my school would be in prison if that were true then!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. gluestickmum Avatar

    Ah, too funny.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Ahhh the “good old days” (apparently!)


      1. gluestickmum Avatar

        When the alternative is tax returns, hospital appointments and adverts for 50+ plans, maybe they are.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        Phew, you may be on to something!!!


      3. gluestickmum Avatar



  3. travelingmind2anywhere Avatar

    “One punch from him, and I’d be eating through a straw, for the rest of my life.”

    I love that statement. I don’t intend to be mean, but it takes an insensitive person not to laugh reading that. Lol.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      No, no – you’re fine to laugh, it makes me giggle whenever I recall it 🙂


  4. Aimer Boyz Avatar
    Aimer Boyz

    Grandparents are the best !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Couldn’t agree more! 🙂


  5. laura kilty Avatar

    “Like a demented version of Kung Fu Panda, but without any of the guile, or charm that makes him admirable.” Hahahahaha! You certainly have a way with words! 😀 Cute story!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Thanks Laura, haha! Best way I could think to put it! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  6. KT Brison Avatar
    KT Brison

    I just love your way with words. 🙂 Sounds like some my youthful excursions. Don’t tell anybody. My current peers would never believe it. lol


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha! KT! The secret is safe with me 😀


  7. AC Avatar

    I like how you got rewarded for fighting, by getting the day off school. And if you compare fights with airplane landings, then any fight you’re able to walk away from after it’s over, is a good fight.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      I know, pretty ridiculous! Certainly wouldn’t have been that way had my Mother got a hold of me! haha!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. edwinasepisodes Avatar

    Ha Ha! Brings back memories….not that I ever fought you understand!!! Lucky for you that your grandad picked you up and you got to spend a lovely day with him and your nan! 🙂


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Phew, I know – off the hook! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  9. dalecooper57 Avatar

    Hahaha, great story. My school fight memories tend to be slightly more long-running and traumatic, but I’ve always maintained that I wouldn’t be the same person without having lived through them, so I won’t complain too much.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      That’s a healthy way to think of it, very positive 🙂 I commend you!


  10. 10eveningflowers Avatar

    you do have violent side to yourself :p :p !!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Yes I’m a menace to society 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 10eveningflowers Avatar

        🙂 🙂 🙂 ok i was kidding!! font crib now


      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        hahaha! 😀


  11. erikakind Avatar

    I can see your bloody eye and your smile. Defintely a special day in both directions… Great story but most of all: great told!


  12. Aidan Avatar

    Honestly, I’m just kind of impressed with the fact that kicking him even occurred to you at all. Boys at my school just kind of got chest to chest and talked a lot of BS until a teacher showed up. Lazy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      It was fight or fly…no wait, I wanted to fly, so it was literally the only option, urgh! haha! I know what you mean though, they’re where a lot of those ones too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aidan Avatar

        Ha, it just occurred to me that I pretty much congratulated you on fighting another boy (or at least trying to), “Yay kicking someone in the chest!” Lol not my intention. I think it’s incredibly admirable that you tried to walk away, especially being a teenage boy surrounded by other teenage boys and having the risk of being labeled a coward on you. I just want to throw that out there, too!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        hahahaha! I didn’t take it that way, don’t worry – but how funny! That’s certainly something to consider in that setting, which was often a bit of a nightmare.

        Anyway, thanks 🙂


  13. TheReviewingFangirl Avatar

    You always have the best stories 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Just glad you enjoy them! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. TheReviewingFangirl Avatar

        Have you ever considered making a book out of them?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        I mean other bloggers have asked the same question, which makes me think of it! I thought about putting the travel ones together in particular, as people seem interested in those. Hmm, not sure! :-\


      3. TheReviewingFangirl Avatar

        I say go for it! It’d be great 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Storytime with John Avatar

        Aww thanks a lot 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      5. TheReviewingFangirl Avatar

        You’re welcome 😉


  14. Laughing Dragon Avatar
    Laughing Dragon

    This is a faovrite favorite. Life is so weird in school.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      So many memories, some horrible – some just plain funny! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Melinda de los Santos Avatar

    I know what you mean. Like my climb up a dangerous mountain, fraught with danger at every turn, I wouldn’t have changed it if I could. 🙂


  16. […] the fights themselves were entertaining, certainly took me back to the school days where much of the day seemed to revolve around punching and kicking fellow humans…or at the […]


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