I’m dying…please send help – well not really but this “Asian Yellow Dust” stuff is far from fun!

Excuse the weird ramble at the start, you know what I’m like!



5 responses

  1. scifihammy Avatar

    John, you are hilarious! I also have no idea why your awesome mask doesn’t work! Thanks for the laugh 🙂
    Enjoy your birthday chocklit and wine. I feel sure if people ate more chocklit and drank more wine, there would be fewer problems n the world! Cheers! 🙂
    PS Chocklit – correct spelling of course 🙂


  2. erikakind Avatar

    You are amazing, John!!! Hope the dust soon vanishes… enjoy your birthday treats.


  3. vanbytheriver Avatar

    Dust, I get…but why is it yellow ? Any clue ?


  4. Cary Vaughn Avatar
    Cary Vaughn

    “So I got you both.”
    Now THAT’S a smart friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Amazing Cary, gotta love that way of thinking!

      Liked by 1 person

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