“…the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

РHermann G̦ring in an interview during the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials (18th April 1946)

A mere few hours after the UK parliament voted to authorise airstrikes in Syria – British fighter jets have returned after bombing the first of presumably many Islamic state targets…evidently Cameron and his applauding war-hungry cronies were readying the big red button even as the “debate” was going on…more than ready to flex and pose in order to keep up with big brother of the US:

Cameron Strut GIF

In a world in which there are so many detractors that are more than happy to speak out against the disgracefully unfair and obvious propaganda driven politics which encircle the likes of countries such as North Korea…why then is it not as apparent that our political representatives are employing the very same offensive rhetoric as them? We have David Cameron bumbling away claiming the bombing and consequent loss of innocent lives, is the only way to keep the “woman raping, Muslim murdering, medieval monsters” of Isis at bay…and that they are “plotting to kill us and to radicalise our children right now.” This is obvious emotive political tactics dispatched with the sole intention of hoping people rid themselves of their logical faculties and instead devolve to caveman-esque reasoning: “UGGG…don’t take baby and woman – they my baby and woman.” 

But no. Many are falling for it – and with 397 MPs voting FOR, and only 223 AGAINST airstrikes it appears even the political elite are just as easy to convince. 

I find it especially odd that our dear sworn and trusted protector, David Cameron, is suddenly displaying so much compassion towards the British people when in the past it has lacked so heavily. The claim that he just wants what is best for us and that his main aim is simply to “keep the British safe” will likely be news to the millions of people currently suffering as a direct result of his strict and uncompromising austerity measures. Let’s not forget for a second that back in 2010, the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government announced the biggest cuts to state spending since the Second World War…hacking away at social security and the NHS without a degree of sympathy, cutting a potential of 900,000 public sector jobs between 2011 and up till 2018…add to that the tax and welfare changes implemented between 2010 and 2014 which saw the poorest tenth of the population hit the hardest by far, (38 per cent decrease in net income for 2010-15), whilst by contrast the richest tenth, Cameron’s BFFs, lost the least: it isn’t surprising that many are baffled that he could ever say he wants what is best for us with a straight face.

David Eggs GIF

But yeah, thanks so much for keeping us safe mate, you’re a real diamond! What would we do without you?

Despite the self-patting on the back, high fives, and raucous applause after Hilary Benn’s speech, which would likely make any sane non-bloodthirsty person weep whilst also being sick – I still feel that his empty and overly simplistic words only further cement the idea that adding our own stamp to the  3,000+ airstrikes against Syria since 2014 is likely a bad idea…apparently they hold “our democracy in contempt” – but so do the MPs on our own turf when they choose to go against what their constituents want, instead choosing to side with superpowers and mega corporations.

Oh, and in totally unrelated news: the targets of the airstrikes will largely be focused around the lucrative gas and oil fields Isis are holding on to at the moment. Just saying, sure there’s no link…but, thought it was worth mentioning. Who will hold on to those once this battle is finally over I wonder?

But let’s not focus on facts, we don’t need those that’s what has became obvious. Case in point in what was a rather grimly ironic announcement, Cameron cited British intelligence (something which appears to be severely lacking in the House of Commons) to put forth the claim that there are  approximately 70,000 non-extremist Syrian opposition fighters who are available on the ground to potentially help overcome Isis. But here’s where the intelligence runs thin and the pig-headed (no pun intended!) stupidity comes in…you see even if we were to believe these numbers – they are still not sourced from one unified group; in actual fact they are a mad mish-mash of over 100 smaller ones, most of which are too preoccupied with Assad’s Syrian army to be open to the distraction of putting their lives on the line against Isis to help out the west.

I mean everyone from Jeremy Corbyn to Vladimir Putin has pointed out the blatant discrepancies in just about every part of the west’s role in this conflict…but when it comes to actual answers he’s a slippery man to hold down:

David Moonwalk GIF.gif

This is Cameron’s third large scale intervention, Libya, Iraq and now Syria…and despite this he was still so quick to ask “if not now, when?” as if it was a foregone conclusion that at some point we would definitely be dropping bombs on innocent houses in the mad campaign against a limited terrorist group. But my question would be, when will we learn? If not now, then when? Because so far we haven’t learned a single thing…anyone with a single brain cell can work out that none of the wars launched by the UK and US from Afghanistan in 2001, Iran in 2003, or Libya in 2011 have ended – as millions still suffer from those reckless and ill-advised decisions – and the recent vote and airstrikes will make that number even more…but who cares when we stand to make such a ginormous profit from a false imperialistic war?! Just as we always do…selling on weapons, and plundering countries for resources.

Well only the people seem to give a shit, or even spare a second thought for the innocents trapped in the middle of this terrifying nightmare. But it’s more clear than ever that the politicians are only in it for themselves. I feel entirely diminished and powerless due to this harrowing news…and have no idea where to go from here…I used to think that we were the good guys – now I’m not so sure.


Oh, and finally I must add that Bridget Phillipson the MP from my hometown (Houghton & Sunderland South) voted FOR airstrikes and I am utterly ashamed. I am however, relieved to see that her views do not reflect that of her constituents…or at least none of which who are my friends anyway. 

33 responses

  1. theshadowsofthenight Avatar

    I find it really cool that you felt so much about this that you posted on it on your normally -about-other-issues blog 🙂 Its just so awful, everything thats going on. I know a lot of ppl have been calling out world war 3 for years, but now, I think a really good rational case could be made for it being a dangerous near possibility – the same powers, the similar lead up, etc. 😦 Why is war never democratic? I mean why aren’t ordinary voices taken into account? I doubt ordinary Syrians will ever be asked if this is what they want 😥 they are going to be the biggest victims as they are killed, maimed and hurt unforgivably, to satisfy some weird power hunger of a thousand different powers. 😦 sorry that was so long. I had to rant!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Thank you so much, something just pushed me – I guess it came from a place of anger and frustration mostly. Who knows what will happen? That is why I and most others feel so powerless…there is a game played behind the scenes. And yeah, those it affects don’t get much say.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Faye Elizabeth Avatar

    Amazing post!
    I know that’s a pretty lame comment but I don’t really know what else to say really.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      No Faye, fully understand – aside from the facts it was really hard to sum it up properly…at a loss for words entirely. Anyway, thank you as always.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Faye Elizabeth Avatar

        🙂 you did brilliantly


  3. dalecooper57 Avatar

    Really, don’t get me started on that spamfaced fuckwit.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Another time then 😂 he’s a piece of work though for sure.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Bob Mills Avatar



    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Yes Bob, I’m feeling the same.


      1. Bob Mills Avatar

        I still can’t get my head around it!!!
        Good to hear from you my friend


  5. davekingsbury Avatar

    Erudite, impassioned and radical … thanks for this timely contribution!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Thank you for reading, hope it wasn’t too heavy – but this situation certainly is.


      1. davekingsbury Avatar

        Impossible to be too heavy when the situation is this bad … keep going and I will too!


  6. Striving Sister Avatar

    Excellent article! Although apparently to mr war hungry……we are all now “Isis sympathisers”…….what a load of balony,
    Anyway well done and thankyou for showing your humanity!


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Oh I know, what a ridiculous excuse of a human he is…so stupid you couldn’t make it up.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. agarrabrant Avatar

    Let the Sabres rattle
    Let the bloody shirts fly
    Let us show our Patriotism
    As we send our mates to die!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Exactly this!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. First Night Design Avatar

    Nail on the head again, John. It’s very hard to keep the despair at bay.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      I’m really at a loss 😥

      Liked by 1 person

      1. First Night Design Avatar

        So many of us are. Democracy has left the building.


  9. vanbytheriver Avatar

    Hermann Göring’s speech, your opening was perfect !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      I saw it the other day and knew I had to incorporate it somehow!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. atelierwatson Avatar

    Thanks for that John, keep it coming.
    I’m some guy on the net, but I’d like to point you towards Olaf Stapledon’s ‘Last and First Men’… http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks06/0601101h.html …It gives a perspective from which to view these matters that I found strengthening, somehow. Aye.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Well that I need, so thank you for that – will be sure to check it out.


  11. Patman Avatar

    I also remember that same quote from Hermann in a book called “When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops?” by George Carlin. He had the same mindset too over ten years ago.


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Love Georg Carlin, he still makes sense to this day!


  12. Dont forget that by not supporting Cameron it makes you a terrorist sympathiser, a comment which he repeadily refused to apologise for after being asked by various MP’s about 8 or 9 times.

    My MP voted to bomb the crap out of Syria as well, but I am unsurprised considering it Gove, it did however allow me to write a very long email as to why he and the Tory party as a whole are arses


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Yeah I saw that, simply deplorable…it’s the worst thing he could have came out with and still wouldn’t clear it up. Wanna see that letter mind!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I will be more than happy to post it. I honestly believe I cannot say this government is crap unless I am willing to do something about it. Besides I like getting letters from the houses of parliment, makes me feel important

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        haha! You are important if you are making some form of stand against them.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Its the only thing I can do, unless I can some how manage to change how the Thames flows an flood it through Parliment. A bit like cleaning the
        Augean Stables


  13. nanluke81 Avatar

    Clear to see from your post why US and UK are such good buddies when it comes to the Middle East “situation”. Anger is justified but where are the sane and reasonable voices among the world leaders? I wish I could hear them . . .


    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      It’s been a long time since one of those was heard, or at least taken into consideration by the powers that be.


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