Fellow Kids GIF

  • Are you a magazine looking for a feature writer?
  • Are you a TV talent scout seeking out a new star?
  • Are you a wealthy old widow searching for a person to leave millions to in an ill-thought out will?
  • Are you a human being with fingers, and a haircut?

If you answered yes to any of those, and want to get in touch with a business inquiry, or for a little chat – then you can email me at JohnT360@hotmail.com – I will do my best to get back to you…unless of course my email decides that your message is “Junk”, then you may never hear from me at all…sorry.

Anyway, either way keep reading…and maybe we’ll speak soon,

Love John

of Storytime with John

p.s. if you just want to know a little more about me, it’s worth checking out this post – about-me, as well as this one – question-time-with-john! They’re a weird diversion through my psyche…so apologies in advance for that.

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