It seems more and more common in this day and age to force ourselves to do things which we know to be uncomfortable, or in some cases totally impossible…

We sign up for classes in which you actually pay money to jump up and down until you feel like your intestines are about to fall out…we buy books and download language apps – promising ourselves we will be fluent in French, Chinese, and Elvish in one year…we say we’ll never drink again: but the thing is this kind of talk is as far from reality as Legolas himself – it’s a complete fantasy land, or at the most too much of a pain in the arse to ever be worth it. But it’s this whole β€œno pain, no gain” mentality that pushes us on, as if it only really counts as an achievement or a success in the end if you suffered, cried, and almost died to get it. But why is that? Why do we have to have a horrible time for it to be something worthwhile – what ever happened to just enjoying life?

Hate my Life GIF

I’m rambling, I know, I know. I’m just upset because amidst the Halloween celebrations on the weekend I overdid it and spent an absolutely monstrous amount of money…and I’ve being hating myself ever since because I was trying to force myself to save money for next year’s travel budget. I was planning on living like a monk – very minimalist; perhaps I would treat myself to a sprinkle of salt over plain uncooked rice every now and again – but aside from that it would be a rather grim and unexciting existence, days spent staring at blank walls to avoid being suckered into buying things, refusing to listen to music in case Jay Z convinces me to splash out where I know I shouldn’t.

But apparently when I dress up as a vampire I become an entirely different person, like a Jekyll and Hyde transformation…and suddenly I’m buying people I don’t like drinks, and announcing it’s no big deal that guys have to pay double the amount that girls do into clubs (I mean, what?! Why?!) I almost had a heart attack the next day looking at my bank balance – and then ate some bacon to make myself feel better, so a real one may be coming any day now…that’s not a lofty target, that’s just science unfortunately.

Bacon Cloud GIF

I need to set realistic goals, as does everyone else – making huge claims and promises are all well and good…but normally you’re never going to meet a finish line which you have placed a million miles away, it’s just not going to happen. So I’m rethinking my savings forecast and being a little more lenient, allowing for splurges here and there…whenever Count Drac decides to surface for large pizzas, imported ales, and tequila shots: hate and love that guy. In the meantime I will try and take on a little more work to make up the difference financially, after all it is true that most good things don’t come easy, but all work and no play makes Jonny and Drac very dull boys indeed.

To put it simply: pain and barely any gain – just make a person insane; so don’t be so hard on yourself.

Please buy my collection of stories! Get it in paperbackΒ here – or on KindleΒ here!Β ALL proceeds go towardsΒ Macmillan Cancer Support!

13 responses

  1. Thomas M. Watt Avatar

    I have the same shortcomings. My expectations are always lofty and ridiculous. Some great advice here!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Let them be high though Thomas, that says positive things about your character at the same time πŸ‘

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thomas M. Watt Avatar

        I like that, sound advice. Thanks John.


      2. Storytime with John Avatar

        You’ve got it man!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. mikeandyulia Avatar

    “perhaps I would treat myself to a sprinkle of salt over plain uncooked rice every now and again” – made me laugh out loud. When I think about being frugal for some reason I picture eating nothing but spaghetti with an occasional drop of ketchup to spice things up.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha…the struggle, been there for sure πŸ˜‚


  3. eloisedesousa Avatar

    Yes I have to admit my weakness is food. I avoid shopping when trying to save because I swear the cheesecakes call out to me like sirens. I feel your pain Johnny and Drac!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      hahaha! Dammit cheesecake is good, I’ve managed to avoid it recently but now…argh!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. eloisedesousa Avatar



  4. Abby Boid Avatar

    it’s sometimes as if we feel we aren’t existing at all if it doesn’t hurt a bit. Bring on the bacon, I say. great post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Yeah it’s better than just going through the motions day in day out, well put Abby ✊


  5. soBnuts Avatar

    I love your stories John. Thank you! Oh, and I LOVE bacon, so I understand. lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Storytime with John Avatar

      Then you are all good in my book! Thank YOU 😊


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