The title says it all really! This is a tale of true romance that took place in the most romantic of all romantic locations..a Taco Bell. And a Taco Bell bathroom at that!  Trust you’ll get a giggle from it…enjoy! 

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13 responses to “Taco Bell Romance”

  1. Back in the day, the military used to show films to the men prior to their leaves. They were basically health and safety films designed to keep them from getting arrested or diseases. You could submit this film to the local military base and call it “Don’t be that guy”.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I want to just pray that he wasn’t American but… ohhhhh man! Why do only the most embarrassing versions of Americans go out and travel and be noticed. Oh I am so embarrassed! I do love how you totally took responsibility for this complete stranger who wasn’t even from the same continent as you. Lol!!! You’re a good man!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This guy sounds like a real winner! I am reaallly hoping he was lying about hooking up in the taco bell bathroom…eww! Are there really women out there that are that desperate?


  4. Perfect example of when to use the advice “Do Not Engage”. You might have stopped him at the 2nd “Bro”. ☺ I like the advice above…speak a few words of German, or any other language besides English !! But then…you wouldn’t have a great story…so. ?

    p.s. Now I’m craving a chalupa.


  5. This story was totally hilarious!!!! I could not stop laughing the entire time… I’ve also had some pretty funny experiences in Asian countries too, but not much having to do with drunk guys trying to get laid early in the morning…

    Liked by 1 person

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